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Pneumonia is fourth leading cause of death globally

Beware of Pneumonia?

Pneumonia is a leading cause of hospitalization in both children and adults in the United Arab Emirates. It is a major cause of death among all age groups and is the 4th leading cause of death in the world.

1) What is pneumonia?
Pneumonia is a common lung infection caused by bacteria, a virus or fungi.
The infection causes inflammation of the lungs' air sacs, leading to collection of
fluid or pus there.
2) What are the symptoms?
The symptoms of pneumonia can range from mild to severe, and include cough with phlegm, fever, chills, breathing difficulty and chest pain. With pneumonia, you may cough up phlegm that is yellow, green, or sometimes bloody.

3)  What are the risk factors?
The people most at risk to develop pneumonia are:

  • Infants and young children
  • Adults 65 or older
  • Pregnant women
  • People taking medications that suppress the immune system
  • People with diseases that weaken the immune system, such as cancer, HIV, and AIDS
  • People with lung and respiratory conditions, such as asthma.

4) How is pneumonia transferred from person to person?
Pneumonia can be spread by way of someone sneezing or coughing. When a person sneezes or coughs, little droplets spread throughout the air. These droplets contain the infectious organism. They are then inhaled and may, in some instances, cause pneumonia.

5) How Is Pneumonia Diagnosed?
Pneumonia is diagnosed based on your medical history, a physical exam done by doctor, and some tests. Investigations include blood tests- to confirm the infection and to try to identify the germ that is causing your illness. Chest X-ray to look for the location and extent of inflammation in your lungs. Sputum tests are done on a sample of phlegm taken after a deep cough; to look for the type of the infection. In some special circumstances additional tests may also be performed. This includes, CT scan of the chest to get a better view of the lungs and look for complications. Arterial blood gas test, to measure the amount of oxygen in a blood sample also performed. Bronchoscopy is a procedure used to look into the lungs' airways to see whether something else is affecting your airways, such as a blockage. They may also take fluid samples or a biopsy of lung tissue via bronchoscope.

6) How Is Pneumonia Treated?
Because pneumonia comes in different forms, treatment plans vary widely. Some people may only need bed rest, while others may require hospitalization. If your pneumonia is so severe that you are treated in the hospital, you may be given intravenous fluids and antibiotics, as well as oxygen therapy, and possibly other supportive treatments.

7) What are the Complications of pneumonia?
Severe pneumonia may cause, spread of infection to other parts of the body, collection of fluid around the lungs, respiratory failure and death.

8) How to Prevent Pneumonia?
You can reduce your risk of getting pneumonia by vaccination, following good hygiene practices, quitting smoking and staying away from sick people, if possible.

Dr. Muhammed Aslam
Specialist Pulmonologist
International modern hospital Dubai

Emotional stress and heart disease

Emotional stress and heart disease

Psychosocial stress is a constraining force or influence to which one is exposed to every day in life. Stress is a normal part of life and is unavoidable. But the response differs between each individual. Things that are stressful for some can be pleasurable for others or have little significance, the classic example being a roller coaster ride. Some find it a torture while thrill -seekers relish the ride. But the right amount of stress motivates us to be alert and focused.Indeed, it’s the individual rather than the stress that is the real problem. People with type A personality (Time sensitive, competitive, impatient, chronic sense of urgency, a tendency towards hostility and anger) are at high risk than people with type B personality (low key, non-competitive, time – insensitive). In other words, given the same stressful situation some will respond with frustration and anger while others will respond in a more even – tempered way.

A heart attack caused by coronary artery disease is the commonest cause of death worldwide.It involves a reduction of blood flow to the heart muscle due to the deposition of fat (plaque) in the arteries that supply blood to heart. Sudden disruption of the covering layer of the fat deposit leads to the formation of a blood clot which could cause the total blockage of the artery, which leads to a heart attack. The exact cause of the original fatty deposition is unknown.

But risk factors like:

  • Hypertension,
  • Hyperlipidemia,
  • Diabetes mellitus,
  • Smoking,

Physical inactivity increases the chance of such an event. In addition, psychosocial factors, predominantly depression and emotional stress, account for considerable risk. Although this has been known for more than a century, scientific data supporting the mechanism and therapeutic options have started to emerge only in the recent years. Stress has become part and parcel of modern life. Common responses to stress includes body
aches, impatience, decreased sleep, decreased energy level, feeling of anxiety, anger and depression. Sudden and severe stress can cause a heart attack, a condition known as ‘broken heart syndrome’ which is more common in women. Such episodes increase significantly following natural disasters like hurricane, earth quake and tsunami. On the other hand, long term stress, both in early life (childhood sexual abuse, parental substance abuse, poor socio-
economic status) and adulthood (marital discord, social isolation or loneliness) has been associated with a 40–60% excess risk of heart disease. Exposure to workplace stress or “job strain” ( high job demands, long hours of work or poor control of conditions like high blood pressure) is related to a 40% excess risk of heart disease.
In the recent years, the mechanisms of stress that lead to heart disease are better understood. For instance, heightened activity in one part of the brain (the amygdala) can lead to over production of white blood cells from bone marrow. which leads to inflammation and plaque formation in arteries. Similarly, stress increases the tendency of blood to clot. Stress also leads to release of chemicals which elevate blood pressure and blood sugar. Stressed
individuals tend to exhibit maladaptive behavior including excessive smoking, over eating, drinking too much alcohol and doing little exercise.

Emerging evidence supports the notion of counteracting stress as a critical component in the prevention and of treatment of heart disease along with the other conventional risk factors. A positive attitude and well-developed self-esteem are good defenses against stress because they help you view stress as a challenge rather than as a problem. Relaxation of the mind is an important strategy. Relaxation is an active process, that could be achieved by deep breathing, listening to music, reading a book, meditation, swimming or structured programs like Yoga. Yoga is associated with physical postures (‘Asana’), breath control (‘Pranayama’), and meditation (‘Dhyana’), all of which have been shown to reduce the negative effects of stress and improve health. The best form of relaxation, of course, is doing something that brings you joy. Once you identify what this activity is, practice relaxation through this for at
least 30 minutes a day. And don’t forget exercise – it helps in reducing stress along with burning calories. Adequate and good quality sleep is important. Finally, in selected individuals, professional counselling may help reduce stress.

Dr.K.G.Sundar Kumar,
MBBS, MD (Internal Medicine),
DM (Cardiology),
Fellowship in Interventional Cardiology (France)
Consultant Interventional Cardiologist

to know more about doctor and for booking appointment visit

Call : +971 4 406 3000 / 02


Cataract & Its treatment– Everything you need to know!

Surgery is key for patients to survive pancreatic cancer

A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer is generally considered a death knell. While it is an aggressive disease and overall outcomes are poor, some patients do benefit from surgery, especially those with localised disease. Statistics do not tell the actual story.

The pancreas is a long, flatted gland located deep in the abdomen. It has three main parts: a head, a body and a tail. Majority of the pancreatic cancers occur in the head of the pancreas. This cancer is rare before the age of 40, and more than 50 per cent occur after the age of 70. Risk factors are smoking, chronic pancreatitis and certain hereditary conditions. Patients who are obese are also at a higher risk.

Signs and symptoms

The greatest difficulty in the treatment of pancreatic cancer lies in the fact that there are very few symptoms in its early stages. The tumour has usually spread by the time the patient observes significant symptoms. The common symptoms of pancreatic cancer are: 1 Moderated to severe continuous upper abdominal pain radiating to the back that gradually increases over a period of time. 2 Severe loss of both appetite and weight, which is sometimes the earliest symptom. 3 Jaundice, which occurs when the tumour involves the bile duct that is very close to the pancreas.


A preliminary ultrasound of the abdomen may provide a clue to the diagnosis, but cross-sectional imaging such as a CT scan or an MRI is needed to confirm the diagnosis and assess the spread of the disease. In patients with larger or locally advanced tumours, a radio nucleotide scan, known as a PET scan, should be done to assess the spread of the disease. An endoscopic ultrasound is another investigation that is useful to assess the local involvement of blood vessels. It is also possible to do a biopsy in certain cases.


The surgical removal of the tumour is the only treatment with a chance of long-term cure. However, only about 20 to 30 per cent of pancreatic cancers are operable at diagnosis. When operable, a surgery known as a ‘Whipples pancreaticoduodenectomy’ is the most common surgery performed.

When there is no spread outside the pancreas, a five-year survival is at 20 to 30 per cent. When the tumour involves adjacent vessels with distant spread, pre-operative chemotherapy (known as Neoadjuvant Therapy) may shrink the tumour and make it operable.

When the tumour has spread to distant sites, the prognosis is dismal and the patient is offered palliative care. With advances in palliative care techniques and protocols, a lot can be done to make these patients live more comfortably.

Myths and Facts about E- Cigarettes

Myths and Facts about E- Cigarettes.

Electronic cigarettes are devices that heat a liquid producing a vapour that the user inhales. Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology recently has announced new standards for the components and sale of electronic cigarettes in UAE. This article is to highlight some myths and fact about e-cigarettes.

Myth 1: E-cigarette vapour is pure and safe.
Fact 1: It is not pure and safe.
The main components of e-cigarettes are nicotine and a base (propylene glycolor glycerol). Other ingredients are unknown flavourings, colourings and chemicals such as formaldehyde and acrolein, which can cause irreversible lung
damage. At high temperatures, propylene glycol decomposes and may form propylene oxide, a probable human carcinogen. Nicotine is highly addictive and can harm brain development in adolescent, causing damage of the brain areas that control attention, learning, mood, and impulse control. The Ministry of Health and Prevention recently issued a warning notice against e-cigarettes after seizures reported in young adults. It can cause Preterm deliveries and stillbirths in pregnant women. Other major issue is that mid-to-long-term consequences of
e-cigarettes are not yet known.

Myth 2: E-cigarettes can help you quit smoking.
Fact:  Using e-cigarette is not a proven method for quitting smoking.Whether e-cigarettes can offer an effective option for smokers who intend to quit the habit is controversial. The nicotine contained in e-cigarettes may
actually perpetuate addiction, in some cases making it even harder to stop smoking. E-cigarettes may be considered as an alternative to combustible tobacco products when used exclusively as a replacement and only among
smokers who have been unable to stop smoking using proven, medically approved methods.

Myth 3: E-cigarettes don’t produce public health concerns.
Fact: There are public health concerns also.
Major concern is about potential use by children and young adults as a gateway to subsequently using combustible tobacco products.

Recent Legalisation by EASM is an important step towards the necessary regulation and monitoring of this growing market in UAE. It will help to stop
the illegal sale of e-cigarettes.

Dr Muhammed Aslam MD
Specialist Pulmonologist
International modern Hospital Dubai


Article on Preterm Delivery – Dr. Shalini Verma, Specialist Obstetrics & Gynecology

Preterm birth is defined as birth before 37 completed weeks of Pregnancy. Approximately 15 million babies are born preterm each year worldwide, and 1 million among these die.
Many survivors of preterm birth face a lifetime disability; including learning, visual and hearing problems.
Preterm births can take an emotional toll and can be a financial burden to the family and society.
Major Risk factors:

  • High or Low BMI(underweight or overweight)
  • Smoking
  • Pregnancy Interval(<18 months and >60months)
  • Low Blood Supply to placenta as in case of Diabetes and hypertension
  • Birth Defect in Uterus of mother
  • Previous Pre Term Birth
  • Infections in uterus and vagina.
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Previous surgery on cervix.

What to do
Early detection and preventive measures during the pregnancy can drastically reduce the chances of Pre Term Birth.

Before pregnancy
Life style modification like prepregnancy weight reduction, cessation of smoking and alcohol

During pregnancy
Risk assessment play an important role in planning of prenatal care. It should be based on a combination of all risk factors including previous pregnancy history and screening tests.

  • Screening of vaginal infection: Infections during pregnancy like bacterial vaginosis is a major cause and hence screening for vaginal infections followed by antibiotics can significantly reduce the rates of Pre Term Birth.
  • Cervical length screening: A short mid-pregnancy cervical length (<2.5mm) is associated with a high risk of preterm birth. Screening for cervical length by transvaginal ultrasound (between 16-24 week of pregnancy) is recommended in high-risk group.
  • Fetal fibronectin :- Fetal fibronectin levels is used to predict delivery within next 7 days inwomen presenting with symptoms of Pre Term Labor. Patient may thus be admitted immediately under observation till delivery.
  • Education about warning signs of preterm labour allows women to attend hospital in time to prepare the baby for an early delivery.

Treatment and Management:
Progesterone:-Progesterone is a hormone known for its role in maintaining pregnancy. It is given to women with:-

  • History of previous preterm birthbetween 20-34 week of pregnancy
  • Short cervix detected with ultrasound.
  • Cervical cerclage: A cervical cerclage is a surgical procedure that place securing suture around the cervix to prevent cervical shortening and opening. It is considered for women in whom
  • Transvaginal ultrasound show short cervix
  • History of preterm birthbetween 20-34 week of pregnancy
  • History of injury to cervix.

WHO recommendations:
for treatment during pregnancyand newborn period for improving outcomes for preterm infants.
These are:-

  • Steroid injections to mother for maturity of baby lungs if there is threat of pre term birth.
  • Antibiotic therapy :- in cases of rupture of water sac before 37 weeks of pregnancy.
  • Magnesium sulfate :-for women at risk of preterm birth before 32 weeks of gestation for prevention of cerebral palsy.
  • Treatment for the newborn baby – thermal care, feeding support, (e.g. kangaroo mother care), safe oxygen useto help babies breatheeasily.
  • New developments in screening for PTB which are currently under research.
  • Bio markers as screening parameter-for early detection of risk of preterm birth at 10-12wk of pregnancy.
  • Probiotics as preventive measure – Probiotics can reduce infections hence are currently under research for reducing risk for pre term birth.

Ongoing Medical trials:-

  • Cervical pessary with progesterone – for cases of short cervix.
  • Aspirin – for increasing placental blood flow.

Prevention of Pre Term Birth is one of the main goals.Researchers, doctors, patient’s organizations, and governments must collaborate in the prevention of Pre Term Birth. By doing so, we give babies the best start in life and ensure lifelong health benefits.

So be in regular follow up with your doctor for effective reduction into chances for Pre term Birth and don’t hesitate to discuss.

Explore the best in class facilities at International Modern Hospital 

You can expect all-round treatment and lifestyle management at the Diabetes center. With IMH, you not only can bring down the effects of a chronic condition like diabetes, but also get to know how to manage it smartly later, so that you remain protected from a high blood sugar spike later on. While we provide great services in the outpatient department and during your hospital stay, our association doesn’t just end there. We also help you recover to your full capabilities post discharge and show you ways in which you can bring your life back on track.

Connect with us at IMH and get treatment carried out from the best hospital in Dubai, UAE.

Experience Holistic Healing at the Best Hospital in Dubai, UAE

Your search for a superior healthcare facility and hospital in Dubai, UAE ends with IMH. We offer the dual advantage of world class standards in minimally invasive surgeries performed by top rated surgeons and physicians. The private hospital in Dubai, UAE has been bestowed with several awards and has maintained superior standards of healthcare that Dubai is known for.

At IMH, you can experience all-round and compassionate care. We have the experience to cater to all types of cases including cardiology, obesity, cancer, diabetes, and nephrology. From taking exemplary care of patients and getting treated by well-known cardiologists in Dubai, to spreading the word on benefits of health and wellness across the society, IMH does its best to make an impact in the healthcare segment in the UAE.

The core of our excellence in healthcare is a carefully cultivated team of highly experienced doctors who are veterans in their respective specialties. The well- equipped, state of the art hospital premises is just what you need to get relief from chronic conditions. The internationally renowned team of cardiologists, cancer specialists, and diabetes specialists have several years of experience working on the most complex of cases in the UAE and around the world. At IMH, we are proud to provide 360 degree care to patients via our seasoned healthcare specialists. 

Teen operated for extremely rare vaginal condition

Multi-specialty team of Gynecologists from International Modern Hospital perform a rare keyhole surgery on a 14 year old teen

Dubai, October 23rd:When Aliyah visited her Gynecologist for terrible abdominal pain, little did she know about her rare congenital condition.Uterus didelphys is a condition wherein a female has a double uterus. Dr.NikitaTrehan, Specialist Gynecologist at International Modern Hospital stated “Aliyah had one side of her uterus blocked leading to menstrual blood flowing back from the blocked side into the abdomen.In other words, from one uterus she had blood coming out normally through her vagina but from the blocked side the menstrual blood was spilling back in the wrong direction leading to extreme pain. Blood collection inside her abdomen could permanently damage her tubes and ovaries which could lead to infertility later in her life. Furthermore, wrongful diagnosis by many Doctors could lead to recurrence of the symptoms eventually ’’

“She was suffering from a rare congenital condition called as Uterus didelphys, where the uterus is present as a paired organ. In a normal female the uterus starts out as two small tubes. As the fetus develops, the tubes normally join to create one larger, hollow organ – the uterus. Sometimes, however, the tubes don’t join completely. Instead, each one develops into a separate structure. A double uterus may have one opening (cervix) into one vagina, or each uterine cavity may have a cervix. Ms.Aliyah‘s case was extremely rare wherein she had 2 vaginas, 2 cervixes & 2 uteruses. One side of her thin Cervix was blocked, usually to correct such a vaginal abnormality;the virginity is compromised (which is usually not acceptable to most parents anywhere in the world). But our multi-disciplinary team successfully operated on the patient without rupturing the hymen and corrected the anomaly“, stated world renowned Gyne surgeon, Dr.Hafeez Rahman – Chairman (Sunrise Group of Hospitals) & Specialist Gynecologist at International Modern Hospital.

“This type of surgery has never before been reported in the world and will be valuable for a lot of young girls with such an anomaly where they can preserve the hymen which is of importance in this part of the world. Lot of uterine anomalies and vaginal anomalies including complete absence of vagina are today correctable in Dubai which a few years back had to be performed outside the UAE. All these surgeries are done by keyhole approach which of course has advantages such as smaller incisions, lesser blood loss, and faster recovery ‘’ stated Dr.Kishan Pakkal, CEO at International Modern Hospital.

Large Fibroids in unusual Locations Removed Laparoscopically

Dubai, 4thMarch 2016: International Modern Hospital, part of Sunrise group of Hospitals & clinics accomplished yet another milestone.

Large fibroids were removed from extra-uterine locations laparoscopically for the first time in UAE by a team of Doctors at International Modern Hospital, from a 35 year old lady who underwent surgery for fibroids removal. During surgery multiple large 10- 15 cm sized fibroids were found arising in different locations other than the womb – a rare phenomenon.

Fibroids are usually benign tumors arising in the womb but in this patient there were only small fibroids in the uterus. A large tumour was arising from great vessels and was twisted on its pedicle; another was arising from under surface of liver and third was found engulfed by large intestine.
One of these fibroids was causing pressure on the patient’s ureter (the tubes that carry urine from kidney to urinary bladder) and causing back pressure changes in the kidney which can damage the kidney.The tumour arising from great vessels had undergone torsion and in due course of time if not removed could have caused excess pain or maybe torrential bleeding.

These fibroids were sharing its blood supply from the organ they were surrounded by and posed a surgical challenge for the doctors.
The patient successfully underwent Laparoscopic removal of all these fibroids at International Modern Hospital by a team of doctors comprising Dr Nikita TrehanSpecialist Obstetrics & Gynecology, Dr Preeti Tandon Specialist Obstetrics & Gynecology and Dr Rohit Kumar Specialist General Surgeon / Head of the Surgery and Emergency Department. The patient did well postoperative and was discharged home the following day. There was minimal blood loss and also patient did not require much pain killer medication.

2 Removing large fibroids laparoscopically has many advantages such as minimal blood loss, minimal pain inflicted on the patient, shorter duration of hospital stay and less adhesions and bands of tissue that make organs stick to each other leading to pain and infertility.

About International Modern Hospital:
International Modern Hospital is a tertiary multi-specialty hospital having state-of-the-art facilities and expertise in Minimally Invasive Surgeries in all specialties with capabilities of providing treatment to all types of Medical and Surgical emergencies.
The hospital has established its expertise in laparoscopic surgeries and has attracted the expertise of some of the most eminently qualified and experienced surgeons from across the globe, including those who guide and train Surgeons and Gynaecologists across the world.
For more details log on to or Call -044063474/044063689

Timely Diagnosis Helped Man Recover from Multisystem Disease

On the face of it, symptoms such as fever and shortness of breath may not be perceived as life threatening by the common public. After all, sometimes, something as innocuous as bronchitis (inflammation of airways) can present with these symptoms. However, for Mr. Joseph (name changed for confidentiality), an Indian expat in his 40s, a timely visit to the doctor proved to be a life saver. He presented with these complaints to a local clinic, where he was diagnosed with bronchitis and symptomatic medications were prescribed. As symptoms worsened over the following days, he was referred to International Modern Hospital (IMH) where he was diagnosed with left pleural effusion (a clinical condition in which there is abnormal accumulation of fluid between the lungs and the chest wall).

Dr.Saheer Sainalabdeen, Pulmonologist at the IMH hospital explained that on detailed evaluation, apart from fluid between the lung and the chest wall, there was a tear in the patient’s oesophagus (food pipe). To ensure the best possible outcome, a multidisciplinary treatment plan was formulated by a team of specialists i.e. Pulmonologist, Internist, Gastroenterologist and Intensivist. Gastroscopy (a study in which internal side of the food pipe and stomach is visualized) confirmed the perforation in the oesophagus. As part of the treatment,Joseph was advised against oral food intake along with other supportive measures were instituted as well. To find out the cause of the pleural effusion, Dr.Rohit Kumar conducted an advanced endoscopic procedure called Medical Thoracoscopy to visualize the lungs and pleura (covering of the lungs). Thoracoscopy showed features of infection in the lung–pleural cavity and biopsies were obtained from the pleura. Pulmonary tuberculosis was diagnosed in the tissue sample obtained from pleura, patient was started on anti-tuberculosis treatment and a good clinical recovery was observed during the follow up period.

Dr.Saheerand Dr. Anil Grover (Specialist Internal Medicine) explained that the patient had tuberculosis of the lung-mediastinal glands which eroded into the oesophagus causing the perforation. If not diagnosed timely, the rate of sepsis, multi-organ failure and death secondary to oesophageal perforation is more than 50%, as per the available scientific literature. Dr. Rohit Kumar, Medical Director, Head of surgery & emergency at IMH, states that the Thoracoscopy procedure, which very few surgeons perform in this part of the world, helped in early diagnosis and treatment forthe disease in this case.Hence, a major surgery was avoided through early intervention via keyhole.“The course of this particular case demonstrates how critical a multi-disciplinary approach can be from the patient’s perspective. It ensures that all possibilities are looked into and that the best possible care is being delivered by specialized practitioners based on facts of this case” stated Dr. Kishan Pakkal, CEO of International Modern Hospital.
